Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I have cut the fabric out for the Impromptu Along.  I have to cut all my background fabrics later tonight.

I have to say I was a little disappointed with my layer cake.  Don't get me wrong, I love the fabrics, but there were several 10 inch squares that weren't squares.  They were rhombuses and it's a little hard to cut 5 inch squares out of a 10 inch rhombus.  This is the first time I have ever had this problem.  I am going to have to pay close attention when I start piecing to make sure I make things square.


Lisa C said...

I read something last fall about people having trouble with layer cakes. The blogger asked people to let the manufacturer know. It is not fun when you need every last square for a project and something's off. Good luck!

Julie Thompson said...

Moda gave me a thanks for the heads up but that is it. They told me to return the layer cake to the store...since I bought it online I can't return without incurring expenses. Hopefully I can make it work!