I bought a bunch of solids a few years ago for a solids challenge. I was able to participate due to some other commitments/conflicts, so the fabric sat in my stash. I saw a great churn dash quilt pattern in Camille Roskelley's new(ish) book Simply Retro and loved it. I decided to use up some of my solids for a quick and simple baby quilt. I backed it in minky, a first for me. I'm not 100% happy with how the quilting turned out. I didn't use batting because the baby is coming in April and lives down south...not exactly ideal for a baby quilt backed in minky with batting, so I didn't use batting and the thread pulled some of the minky through the quilt top. There was no fixing, changing, altering no matter how hard I tried. It isn't really noticeable on the black part of the quilt, but it is noticeable in the pink and in some areas more than others. My husband thinks it looks fine and that we should give it to his friends for their baby...what do you all think?

Sorry for the indoor photos, it is way too cold in the Northeast to be outside taking pictures of anything right now...last I looked with the wind chill it was -35.