I used the Me and My Sister Designs Easy as 11 pattern, slightly modified so I didn't have to piece the quilt backing and Riley Blake's Pieces of Hope fabric. I quilted with straight lines, 1/4 inch on either white side fo the colored stripes.
LEftover fabric from the stripes was used for a super scrappy binding (love!) and I peiced the back. I love a good pieced backing. The colors of the quilt are perfect for this very modern and super trendy family.
After he was born and I made the tag for his quilt, my Mom asked me if I had any fabric from J's quilt leftover and if I did, she wanted a piece of it on baby E's quilt. I cut one of the butterfly's out and added it to the quilt back, right next to the tag with birth stats.
Baby E got his quilt last week and his Mommy sent me a note thanking me for the little piece of her Mom on the quilt. I hope E has butterflies in his life forever as a sign of his Grandma watching over him.
I am linking up with Fabric Tuesday, Show and Tell Tuesday and Finish it Up Friday.